Saturday, November 10, 2007

Making a PS3 Theme.

Okay so lets begin.

1. Download this FILE

2. Unzip it and if you wanna stop here just read the PDF File and read me files.

3. But if you wanna learn how to make your icons transparent and what not read on.

4. Go find some nice icons. (Google Image Search, your own hard drive, etc.)

5 If you have photoshop skip this immediately!Download Gimpshop or if you have it already skip.

6. Open your icon in Gimpshop/Photoshop.

7. First of all add the Alpha Channel.
In Gimpshop, it's Layer > Transparency > Add Alpha Channel

8. ( Most nice icons that you will use will have some solid background color.)
So just select the color with the hand that points to the 3 colors.
(Shift + O)

9. If only the background is selected then move on.
If it selects more than the background, then switch to the Fill.
Fill the selected background with a color that is not on the image.

10. Erase the selected background.

11. If your image is not 128 x 128 pixels then go to Image > Image size and make it

12. Save it as a PNG.

13. Go back to the PS3 compiler file. Open it and copy the sample file.

14. Go to the new copied sample file, open it choose the PS3 Icon you wish to change and remember the name. Go to your edited icon and give it that name.

15. Drag the editted file to the sample file and if you did everything right it should say would you like to replace Icon whatever with Icon Whatever.

16. Make more Icons.

17. Once you are done with all the icons you wish to edit, drag the XML file in the sample file to the PS3 Compiler.exe in the PS3 Compiler 101 file that you downloaded in the beginning of this.

18. Go back to your sample file and look for sample.p3t

19. Go get some way of transporting the file to your PS3. (Flashdrive, CD, etc.)

20. Okay make a PS3 file. In that PS3 file make a THEME file.
Drag the p3t file to the THEME file and bring it to your PS3 file.

21. In your PS3 go to Settings > Theme settings > Theme > Install > and sample.

22. Test your new theme and enjoy.

Long Huh. If you don't wanna make one then just download one of mine.
One is in my very first post in this blog. More are on the way.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Sweet! Thanks for posting this.